A Case of the Zaps: A Picture Book

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From Tony Award winners Alex Boniello and April Lavalle, A Case of the Zaps is a charming, heartfelt picture book that will spark a conversation about anxiety and mental health with readers of every generation, illustrated by James Kwan.

Meet 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 . . . or Pi, for short.

Pi’s just like any other kid robot: They love to listen to music, play with their dog, and hang out with their friends. And when their teacher announces a field trip to Olde Silicon Valley, Pi couldn’t be more excited! They daydream of all the awesome things they want to see and do there––but also begin to worry about all the things that could go wrong. . . . Then, on the way home, Pi feels a ZAP! They try to avoid the strange feeling, but the Zaps keep happening. Pi doesn’t understand. They have a firewall installed! What could be going on?

A tale with equal parts humor and heart, A Case of the Zaps is a great way to begin talking about mental health and anxiety for readers of all ages.

Includes a note from the authors and resources to help readers talk about anxiety

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# of Pages: 48

Book Binding: Hardcover

Year of Publication: 2022

Publisher: Harry N. Abrams

Language: en

ISBN: 9781419756726

Alex Boniello, April Lavalle, and James Kwan are a talented trio of writers who collaborated to create the whimsical children's book, A Case of the Zaps. Alex is a singer, actor, and writer, known for his work in musical theatre. April is a writer and illustrator, with a background in animation and design. James is a writer and comedian, who has worked on projects for television and film. Together, they bring their unique talents and creativity to the pages of A Case of the Zaps, creating a delightful and imaginative story that will capture the hearts of young readers.