More Graceful Shaboom (Reach and Teach)


A gender nonbinary protagonist named Harmon Jitney finds their joy and purpose in a magical satchel which leads to an extraordinary, previously undiscovered universe. This book features LGBTQAI+ characters seamlessly woven into a delightful, imagination-sparking story, without overtly being a lesson book about gender and sexual orientation. Follow Harmon as they unlock the key to their own inner happiness and sense of community.

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# of Pages: 48

Book Binding: Hardcover

Year of Publication: 2020

Publisher: PM Press

Language: en

ISBN: 9781629638249

Jacinta Bunnell and Crystal Vielula are a dynamic duo who have combined their talents to create the children's book More Graceful Shaboom (Reach and Teach). Bunnell is an artist, activist, and writer who is known for her unique and creative approach to social justice and identity. She has authored several books and zines, including Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls: A Coloring Book and Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon. Vielula is a skilled illustrator and designer whose work has been featured in various publications and galleries. Together, these two artists have crafted a heartwarming and inclusive story that celebrates diversity and encourages self-acceptance.