A gripping mystery series turned Netflix show follows Pip, a college-bound podcaster stalked by a possible serial killer. Will she solve the case before disappearing herself?
At Camp Mirror Lake, become the final girl in a heart-pounding slasher game. When coworkers start disappearing, Charity must uncover the killer's motives to survive.
Get ready for a new series set in the world of The Inheritance Games, where seven players compete for fame, fortune, and secrets on an island of dreams.
In this dark fairy tale retelling, Hazel must navigate her gift of healing and her burden of knowing when to end a life. A sweeping saga of consequences and impossible choices.
Bestselling young adult non-fiction book on sexuality and gender! LGBTQ+ stories, advice, humor, and illustrations. Updated edition with informative topics.
Colorful graphic novel explores mental health through characters in the brain, empowering readers to understand and destigmatize emotions and mental health.
Quick & easy guide to queer and trans identities through informative comics, interviews, and worksheets. Perfect for beginners and those on their own journeys!
A heartfelt YA novel about lifelong friendships, queer community, and the struggle to embrace identity and love, even when it means risking everything.
Teen witch Delilah must break a powerful family curse, but falls for the girl she's trying to save. Magic, love, and danger collide in this cozy fantasy romance.
YA fantasy where a teen accidentally reanimates his dead crush, navigating dark magics and family secrets to keep him alive. Cemetery Boys meets Jake Livingston!
A Young People's History of the United States offers a diverse perspective on America's history, highlighting the stories of marginalized groups often overlooked in typical textbooks.
An inclusive guide to life's big questions with empowering illustrations, expert advice, and compassionate reflections on relationships, bodies, and society.
2023 ALA Rainbow Book List winner and 2023 Doug Wright Award winner. You Know, Sex is a groundbreaking sex ed book for kids 10+ that discusses puberty, gender, and social justice in a respectful and inclusive manner.
"Here and Queer is a vibrant guide for girls, offering support and advice on living their best queer life. Includes tips on coming out, relationships, mental health, and more."
Dress up mystical dragons with paper fashions, armour, and magical accessories in a magical world. Includes 200+ shapes, 12 wings, 6 hatchlings, and 4 landscapes.
Color in over 90 pages of your favorite Baby-sitters Club characters and patterns in this official coloring book inspired by Ann M. Martin's bestselling series! Hours of fun for fans of all ages!