Big Truck Super Wash
Everyone needs a good wash occasionally. Even a giant excavator! After a hard day’s work, a garbage truck, a tractor, an 18-wheeler, and more are covered with dirt, slime, manure, mud, and bugs. Off to the Big Truck Super Wash!
Honk! Honk! Clank! Belch! 5 powerful trucks tell how they got so grubby. The dump truck explains—
Hauling rocks from the gravel pit,
Working in clouds of dust and grit.
It’s what I love! It’s what I do!
Wouldn’t you want to play in dirt too?
The jolly manager at the Big Truck Super Wash welcomes each dirty truck with a warm smile, shampoo (gurgle and gush), steam, scrubbers (swish-a, swoosh-a), and a rinse. The trucks can return home glistening, gleaming, and spot-free.
With rhythm, rhyme, and onomatopoeia, the text is fun to read aloud. And each truck is depicted with expressive headlight eyes and a personality of its own. In creating the character of the truck wash manager, the illustrator portrayed his dad, who owned a truck and often recruited his son to help wash it.
Subtle messages about hard work and cleanliness make it a perfect choice for bath time or any time!

# of Pages: 40
Book Binding: Hardcover
Year of Publication: 2023
Publisher: Holiday House
Language: en
ISBN: 9780823445882