Ice Dragon (6) (Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly)
In this sixth installment of the exciting Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly graphic novel series, Ruskin and his friends meet an ancient ice dragon.
Ruskin and his friends travel to Flatfrost for the Winter Festival, which is extra special this year because the legendary, ancient ice dragon has appeared! Being thousands of years old, the ice dragon is perhaps the only living creature who knew the original dragon king. She also unknowingly holds an important piece to the puzzle of who the dark forces are that have been plotting against Ruskin. Can Ruskin and his friends uncover the secret and keep the ice dragon safe?
# of Pages: 144
Book Binding: Paperback
Year of Publication: 2021
Publisher: Little Simon
Language: en
ISBN: 9781534484801
Jordan Quinn is an accomplished author who has captured the hearts and imaginations of young readers with her enchanting tales. She is best known for her popular series, Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly, which has been praised for its intricate world-building and relatable characters. Quinn is a graduate of the prestigious Glass House Graphics program and has honed her skills as a writer and illustrator through years of practice. Her love for fantasy and adventure is evident in her writing, and she continues to inspire young minds with her captivating stories.