Fox at Night (My First I Can Read)

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Geisel Award winner and ALA Notable Book of the Year! In his next I Can Read adventure, Fox—the hilarious trickster character featured in Geisel Award-winning Fox the Tiger—overcomes his fear of monsters when he meets real nocturnal animals.

Fox is up late in the night. There are shadows and noises everywhere. Fox is sure the night is full of monsters! Then he meets the real creatures of the night and realizes they are not so scary after all.

Carefully crafted using basic language, word repetition, sight words, and whimsical illustrations, Fox at Night is ideal for sharing with your emergent reader. The active, engaging My First I Can Read stories have appealing plots and lovable characters, encouraging children to continue their reading journey.

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# of Pages: 32

Book Binding: Paperback

Year of Publication: 2021

Publisher: Balzer + Bray

Language: en

ISBN: 9780062977076


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