On Our Way! What a Day!
A journey, a challenge, and a party with Gram make one day super special for a group of siblings.
It’s Gram’s birthday, and the grandkids can’t wait to celebrate with her. There’s just one thing missing: a gift! So on their way to the party, the search is on. They spot lots of interesting things—a scritchy-scratchy pine cone, three jingly-jangly quarters, some clicky-clacky stones—but are any of them good enough for Gram?
Fortunately, there’s no quashing the enthusiasm and creativity of these siblings, who have a marvelous time scouting and singing as they shimmy over to Gram’s, making the journey its own celebration. Their combined discoveries will make this a very special day indeed!
This dynamic story shows the big impact a thoughtful gift from the heart can have, no matter how small it might be.

# of Pages: 32
Book Binding: Hardcover
Year of Publication: 2025
Publisher: Nancy Paulsen Books
Language: en
ISBN: 9780593110751